Automatic technological air distribution

Flowmatik is dedicated to the technological processing air distribution for multi-hopper applications.

By setting data on each hopper, the system controls and manages automatically the process and realises a perfect close loop. The airflow dedicated to each hopper is accurate thanks to a direct measurement of the airflow itself (not through indirect variables) and calibrated dynamically. FLOWMATIK manages the process variables too. The system includes the AN­TISTRESS system to protect materials by thermal stress.

Setting requires only two parameters:

  • Material type
  • Throughput

All the rest is automatic. Flowmatik is MOWIS ready.

FLOWMATIK together with OTX drying hoppersX MAX dryer and Moisture Meter MANAGER create EUREKA PLUS the most efficient automatic drying system in the market.

  • Air-o-Dynamic
  • Optimize energy usage
  • Antistress system

Authorized Distributor of the market leaders in the production of automated systems for the plastics processing industry.

Get in touch

Phone +6221 12345678

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